The Cosmic Photo Challenge: Art for art’s sake.

Good morning, welcome to The Cosmic Photo Challenge, on a day we’re all about; Art for art’s sake.

I was hoping to take some pictures in the museum at the weekend but it was closed, so I took a walk around town to see what random art I could find.

As it turned out, along with a great mural, I saw some very odd sculptures in a shop window, so I relocated them to the empty pannier market and made my own virtual exhibition.

But the strangest art project by far was my experiments with an AI video generator I found online, called Dream Machine.

The machine takes a single still photo and animates it in line with whatever written prompt you provide it to dream about.

Here are the three photos I gave it to play with…

…and these are the results, along with the words which prompted them:

“The Twin Peaks reunion wasn’t going quite as well as everyone hoped.”
“A giant, pink, carnivorous alien flower reaches down from the sky and searches for food.”
“David Lynch was impressed with how many new friends he made after adopting John Justice Wheeler’s style of striped knitwear.”

What artistic treasures did you unearth at the weekend?


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.
Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge: Spooky.

Happy Halloween from The Cosmic Photo Challenge, with this week’s pictures themed around the prompt; Spooky.

I didn’t have the opportunity to capture anything sinister, so I went for a walk in the rainy woods and messed about with the results in various unsettling ways.

See how many eldritch interlopers you can spot in these three enchanted images

How did your creative inspiration strike you over this all hallows weekend?


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with  #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

The Cosmic Photo Challenge; Indoor freestyle.

Hello there, welcome to a rather unusual edition of The Cosmic Photo Challenge, today themed around the extremely loose prompt; Indoor freestyle.

It was a strange week last week; having tested positive for Covid on Monday morning I was in isolation until yesterday evening, when I finally tested negative, although I am still feeling a bit below par. Which is all the explanation you’re getting for me having deviated slightly on my own challenge.

Since I was trapped in the flat all week, I did what I usually do to amuse myself and made some new musical creations, one of which you can experience right here, accompanied by my…photographic contribution.

The video you see below is made using only a two minute clip of me wandering around the living room and kitchen with my phone, filming anything and everything at peculiar angles, all of which then had layers and layers of effects applied to them and voila!

{Best watched in HD. Contains flashing images}

Normal service will be resumed next week, but in the meantime, let’s see what the more sensible of you produced over the weekend.


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.

Tag your posts with  #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.