The Cosmic Photo Challenge: Interesting buildings.

Hooray, it’s Monday again!

Why so pleased to start the week, I hear you ask. Well, because it means it’s The Cosmic Photo Challenge of course, today based on the prompt; Interesting buildings.

I have to admit the theme of this week’s challenge came to me at five o’clock on Friday morning, an hour into the four and a half hour drive to central London from Devon. 

We had to travel to the American Embassy in Nine Elms, which is surrounded by the luxury high-rise, Thames-side apartments of Embassy Gardens, for a one hour passport renewal appointment, before driving the 250 miles back home.

Fortunately it was a lovely sunny day and the architecture was at its sparkly best. The Embassy itself, with its sculptural facade and two apartment blocks with an extraordinary glass swimming pool  suspended between them, a dozen storeys high, were particularly impressive.

Inside the Embassy, looking out across London from the second floor

What structural wonders did you discover over the weekend? Come on, show us watcha got…


To get involved with the challenge; check out the Cosmic Photo Prompt each Friday, then post a photo (or photos) on your blog the following Monday, with a pingback link to my Monday post.
Tag your posts with #CosPhoChal.

Any and all effects, editing, Photoshop, Instagram, morphing, collages, animation, gifs, or whatever other post production techniques you fancy are permitted, (in fact, they’re actively encouraged!) so get creative and turn your photos into artworks for the Cosmic Photo Challenge.

13 thoughts on “The Cosmic Photo Challenge: Interesting buildings.

  1. Pingback: Interesting Buildings – Poetry, Short Prose and Walking

  2. Pingback: Cosmic Photo: The Watergate Hotel | The Day After

  3. Pingback: 350 Years of Interesting – pictures imperfect blog

  4. Pingback: Architecture - Cafe Ludwig

  5. Pingback: Eclectic, Eccentric, and Interesting Buildings – The New 3 Rs: Retire, Recharge, Reconnect

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